Dragon Ball Gt Season 3 Episode 24 Until We Meet Again

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  • Ended
  • Fuji TV
  • 1996-02-07T11:00:00Z
  • 25 mins
  • one mean solar day, 1 hour, 36 mins (64 episodes)
  • Nihon
  • Japanese
  • Bird Studios + three more than, Toei Blitheness, Toei Visitor, Ltd., Fizz Audio Cosmos
  • Fantasy, Action, Chance, Science Fiction, Anime


Ten years take passed since Goku left his friends and family to hone his skills. Just Goku presently finds himself helpless confronting the mystical power of the Dragon Balls and an adventitious wish made past the devious Emperor Pilaf. His desire; that Goku once more go a child! Not daunted by this small setback, Goku, together with Trunks, and his ain granddaughter Pan, blast off into the outer reaches of space in search of the mysterious Blackstar Dragon Assurance. But these Dragon Balls have a fatal hole-and-corner: if non collected within one year World will exist destroyed.



66 episodes

100 years after the stop of DBGT, all the heroes of Earth have died...except for Pan, the granddaughter of Son Goku. Pan has a grandchild named Goku Jr. Even so, he does non have the bravery of his great-keen-grandfather. Pan suffers a heart attack, and Goku Jr. believes that he might be able to save her with the power of the 4 star Dragon Ball. Forth with the school dandy, he tries to discover the ball...and unleashes his subconscious bravery and power. Years after the end of the Dragon Ball GT, the story continues in this special with Son Goku's at present elderly granddaughter Pan, and a new generation of Super Saiyans, the great-great-grandsons of Goku and Vegeta.

Goku and Trunks are on the verge of defeat, finding themselves in the sinister grip of a mad scientist who wishes to utilise their Saiyan bodies in his twisted experiments! But what's this? Goku is a child?! The grandest gamble of all begins now!

After decades of persistence, Emperor Pilaf finally steals the dragon balls and summons Shenron! But Pilaf slips up still again and wishes Goku back to childhood size!. As Goku tries to nowadays his new self to his family, King Kai reveals alarming news. If the dragon balls aren't returned to Earth inside ane year, the entire planet volition explode!

While Bulma, Videl, and Gohan ready a ship that will be used to gather the Black Star Dragon Balls from space, Pan becomes upset at how the others view her as a kid. In the meantime, Goku is kidnapped by two men seeking to gain a bribe from a not-then-worried Bulma and Vegeta.

After suffering harm to their spaceship, Goku, Trunks, and Pan are forced to crash land on Planet Imecka. The trio is enamored past the festive atmosphere of the city until they realize that the Imeckians are money-hungry swindlers. At beginning the travelers from Earth are trying to escape with their wallets, but it presently becomes clear that they'll exist lucky to escape with their lives!

After finding themselves as public enemy number one on the merchant planet, Imecka, Goku, Pan, and Trunks attempt a daring rescue mission to salve their send. Without it they may be stuck on the planet forever! Casting all fear aside, the Saiyans endeavor a directly approach...and find Don Kee'due south army locked and loaded!

While hiding from the authorities, Goku, Pan, and Trunks become moved by the injustices that the Imeckans suffer nether the oppressive Don Kee. They decide to face The Don, and head straight for a showdown at the Royal Palace. Information technology seems like an easy victory until Lezick appears from the shadows!

Barely escaping Imecka with their lives, Goku, Trunks, and Pan country on a planet where everything is larger than life. Every bit they near the dragon ball their good fortune takes a turn for the worse as a behemothic well-nigh consumes the ball and dooms Earth forever! Goku must make a quick conclusion before having to charge into the belly of the beast...literally!

The Saiyans arrive on a peaceful plant with one very big trouble. The monster Zoonama has the incredible ability to produce earthquakes by merely shaking his gigantic whiskers! Now the monster is demanding a bride. If the villagers don't comply their very survival cannot be guaranteed!

Not bowing to the demands of the wicked Zoonama, Trunks reluctantly poses equally Zoonama's bride in an try to sneak deep into the monster'southward lair under a volcano and complimentary the people of the village forever. Merely things get hot as Zoonama reveals a secret and the volcano prepares to blow!

Afterwards seemingly securing a dragon brawl, three mysterious strangers steal what the Saiyans worked and so hard to attain. In their haste to rail down the thieves, Goku, Pan, and Trunks notice themselves tricked into touching downwards on a dangerous asteroid. Meanwhile the iii strangers present the spoils to their bizarre leader! Only who is this mystery man...and what makes him so unsafe?

Finding themselves on the cave-ridden planet of Beehey, Goku, Trunks and Pan have run straight into a pack of Mouma, a giant buglike species with a sense of taste for humans! Hiding in the shadows are the Para Bara Brothers, planning out the perfect time to assail with their unique style of dancing.

Pan and Giru are stuck on the Para Para Brothers spaceship heading straight for Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy and his demented authorities. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks pursue Pan to the planet. Tin anything ready them for the daze that is to come?

While Pan is under the control of the psychotic Chief Dolltaki, Goku and Trunks battle with the vengeful Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, who tin dispense inanimate objects to assault at volition! Meanwhile, Dolltaki has big plans for his true-blue believers, as the mighty Lord Luud moves i stride closer to being resurrected.

Goku and Trunks accept defeated Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, and now stand up before the awakening Luud. When Dolltaki refuses to surrender Pan to the ever-growing monster, Dr. Myuu feeds both Pan and Dolltaki to Luud! This cede brings the machine-mutant and so close to full operating power that Goku and Trunks solitary will exist no friction match for it!

Adamant non to just sit around within the Luud monster, Pan and the Para Para Brothers force Dolltaki to reveal the secret to escaping their mechanical prison house. Meanwhile, Goku does his best to fend off the ever growing monster. There but might be a fashion to free the imprisoned innocents, but is there plenty fourth dimension?

Trunks and Goku consider returning to Earth so that Pan tin can be placed out of harms style and Goten can proceed the journey as originally planned. Only Giru discovers a dragon brawl and leads the group to a desert planet where they must ward off menacing monsters and scour the vast sand dunes for the hidden dragon brawl. Will they succeed, or will they become cipher but scattered feed for giant centipedes?

Giru convinces the Z warriors to land on Planet M2, his home planet. It is a trap though and Giru is greeted by General Rildo and is told he has done a practiced job of luring the humans to the planet. At the stop of the episode the Z warriors encounter up with a grouping of stiff robots who phone call themselves M2's commandoes. After a short fight the robots capture Trunks and Goku and have them abroad.

With Goku and Trunks being held captive by General Rilldo, it's up to Pan to relieve them. Bearded as a robot, she is able to outwit the enemy throng! Just when her encompass is blown Pan must face Nat, a member of the Mega Cannon Sigma Force in battle! Sentinel, Pan!

Just every bit he is freed from Dr. Myuu'southward laboratory by Pan, Goku comes confront to face with Full general Rilldo's superlative fighting motorcar the Mega Canon Sigma Strength! With the ability to combine their mechanical bodies into many different deadly weapons, these Killer-Bots may make this the shortest rescue attempt always!

With Giru'southward dark undercover out in the open, Goku, Pan, and Trunks are more determined than ever before to complete their unsafe mission. Having barely survived the terrible Mega Catechism Sigma Forcefulness, do the heroes have plenty strength left to fend off the amazing new threat looming on the horizon?

Goku and Rilldo continue to fight, merely Rilldo reveals his secret power: he can dispense all of the metal on the planet, assuasive him to appear anywhere in that location is metallic, amidst other things. Pan, meanwhile, is trying to sneak into the principal tower, but the emergency removal arrangement keeps spitting her back out. But with the help of another robot, she deactivates the system. Before she can destroy Giru, he reactivates information technology, spitting her back out. Luckily, the Dragon Assurance got spit out with her. General Rilldo tells Goku to give up, because as long as at that place is metallic on the planet'due south surface, he can't exist destroyed.

Still trapped on the planet of the Machine Mutants, Goku and Pan succumb to Full general Rilldo'southward tricky tactics and go frozen in metal. The evil Dr. Myuu has them sent to his laboratory to join Trunks so he can drain the trio'south Saiyan powers and use them at his volition! And the double-crossing Giru shows he has more i play a trick on up his sleeve!

After removing all control from Dr. Myuu, Trunks reveals the mystery that drove him to deceive. Behind a door lies the doctor's darkest cloak-and-dagger Baby, a creature designed to subjugate the unabridged galaxy! Are the three Saiyans enough to put this child out of committee?

Believing Dr. Myuu's evil vision contained, Goku, Pan, and Trunks set out to recover the remaining Dragonballs. Their search leads them to a battered ship soon to be destroyed past the gravity of a nearby star! But a dragon ball is non the only discovery that the tattered craft offers upward; something onboard is alive!

Goku and the others take a short detour from Dragon Brawl hunting and land on Planet Vidal to become medical treatment for the boy that they rescued in outer-infinite. Only who is this mysterious, young survivor and why tin can't the Dr. assigned to his case exist trusted?

When a roughneck starts wreaking havoc in the metropolis, Goten has to interrupt his big appointment to teach him a lesson. But every bit soon as Goten subdues him, some other deranged fighter steps out of the crowd to take his identify. Who are these strange criminals and where practise they get their super force?

As Baby continues to seek out the Saiyans, he makes his way beyond Globe using the bodies of unsuspecting humans as his vehicle. But he finds resistance in the face of whom he hunts, Goten! Does Goten have what information technology takes to put this guy to a stop before he finds the other Saiyans?

Every bit Goku, Trunks, and Pan stand up on the brink of finding the concluding Dragon Ball, Baby uses Goten as a puppet so he can infiltrate Gohan's body. What is the ultimate program of this formidable brute? And what kind of earth is waiting for our travelers when they return?

With Vegeta'southward awesome power at his disposal, Babe's programme for world subjugation is almost complete. And with Goku, Trunks, and Pan returning to Earth with the Dragon Balls his sinister nightmare is mere moments away from condign reality!

After sealing the Dragon Balls away with Dende, Goku believes Earth is spared from terrible destruction. But his darkest fears soon come up to life equally Babe-Vegeta comes calling! But how can Goku bulldoze Baby from his friends and family without destroying them in the process?

After taking the total forcefulness of Baby-Vegeta's nearly powerful attack, Goku appears to have died! Babe-Vegeta begins the adjacent phase of his chief program to utilise the power of the dragon balls to create a new home earth for his followers! With Goku out of the picture, is there anyone left who can end him?

Despite being miraculously saved by Kibito at the last moment, Goku finds himself playing a twisted game of chance in a bizarre globe where nothing is at it seems. The only mode out is for Goku to win the game. But with Vegeta-Babe moving his followers to the new planet, Goku may be besides belatedly!

After literally saving Pan from the clutches of Baby, Uub tries his all-time to pick upward where Goku left off. But Baby proves to be a formidable adversary. All the while, Goku is with Old Kai, enduring the strangest preparation technique anyone has ever seen! Will it give Goku the kind of ability information technology will take to beat Baby?

The fate of Earth dangles by a thin thread, as Uub finds out quickly that he is no match for Infant on his own. Buu steps in to relieve him, and morphs himself into Uub'south body, combining each of their strength's into one brutal force. Meanwhile, the fourth dimension has come for Goku to endeavour to resurrect his long gone powers!

After completing his tail stretching, Goku heads dorsum to the Tuffle planet to fight aslope Uub. But he's too belatedly. Having to face Babe alone, Goku must use his new-found abilities. But volition they be too much even for the mightiest Saiyan to handle?

Subsequently Baby flees from defeat past the claws of the ape, Goku finally transforms into a Super Saiyan iv! With his ability increased to it'due south maximum, Goku sets out to find where Baby is hiding and stop him off for skillful. But with Bulma's help, Baby might just be able to find the force within his Saiyan host to bring himself up to, and even past, Goku's power level!

As Goku settles into his new Super Saiyan 4 abilities, a device is constructed to grant Baby Vegeta the ability to crush Goku for good! But when the device is used, Baby Vegeta transforms into a monstrous gorilla. And so fifty-fifty Goku's fiercest attacks won't exist plenty to end the blind rage of this animal!

With Goku merely moments away from destruction at the hands of Baby, Old Kai charges Kibito with a top underground mission. But he will have to bustle! Bulma showers Baby with Blutz Waves vastly increasing his strength and causing him to get on a rampage that could destroy his ain planet!

One-time Kai'south quick thinking has freed Trunks, Goten, and Gohan from Baby's command! Only even their combined powers are not enough to finish Baby. Only a Super Saiyan four Goku has what it takes to stop the madness. But the battle with Babe has left Goku totally drained of power. Does Baby have what information technology takes to finally reach his evil programme?

A fully charged Super Saiyan 4 Goku squares off with Baby in the deciding battle for the fate of the Universe! But one of them can leave the Tuffle Planet alive. But destroying Infant ways destroying Vegeta! With the fate of the Universe in his hands, Goku makes a divide second conclusion that could change his life forever!

With Infant destroyed forever Goku learns that the Earth is set to explode in a mere two weeks! Goku organizes a massive relocation to the Tuffle Planet leaving himself and Piccolo trapped on Earth with no energy to transport them both to safety. With the World merely moments away from devastation, ane of the heroes will be forced to stay backside to share Earth'southward fate!

Following the noble death of Piccolo, all of humanity was returned safely to World with a final wish. As things return to normal, information technology'southward time to start up the next World Martial Arts Tournament. But this competition proves to be a test for all as Goku and Pan fight in the wrong divisions, a plan to fix the fight is unearthed, and an old ally returns to battle Goku for the final fourth dimension!

In the depths of HFIL, an evil wedlock between Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu takes place. Before long after, Trunks is ambushed by Android 17 as a alarm to Goku... Come to HFIL or the world will be attacked! As Goku travels to HFIL to run into an uncertain fate, a fleet of ancient enemies flood the earth on a mad rampage!

Cell and Frieza are back! Afterward getting trapped in HFIL, Goku must confront and defeat the villains if he is to return to Earth. Only things get gummy when he falls into the deepest, darkest realm of HFIL, where he must suffer tests that would drive an ordinary person to madness!

With Goku fighting for his life in HFIL, the heroes of Earth are having troubles of their own... the two No.17s have merged! Super 17 is the ultimate bogus killing machine... something that Goku'due south closest friend tragically learns firsthand!

Super 17'south destructive ability reaches new heights equally the Z Fighters are left battered and broken at the android's feet. Vegeta knows that he must make a stand up of all hope will exist lost. Just Piccolo has a plan to free Goku from his other worldly prison.

Goku's attacks are useless against Super 17! Knowing Goku'south ability firsthand, Dr. Myuu programmed Super 17 to predict Goku'south techniques and attacks and the ability to transfer the attacks into fuel for the android killer! Every bit each moment passes Super 17 gets stronger and Goku gets closer to his demise!

While Goku is preparing for the end, assist comes from an unlikely source. It is Android 18, and she is mad! Adamant to avenge the death of her love, No. 18 unleashes her full fury upon her android brother. Every bit anybody watches in atheism, they are unaware that the near dangerous power of all time is about to be awakened!

When an evil Dragon emerges from the croaky Dragon Balls it seems like the world has become cracked likewise. Afterward stealing the Dragon Assurance, he spawns vii more evil Dragons that disappear beyond the horizon like wild jackals in the dark! What horrors are in store for Mother Earth and her people?

Haze Shenron, the dragon of pollution has begun to contaminate everything in his path by emanating a toxic mist that poisons everyone and everything who breathes information technology. Goku and Pan before long find themselves overcome by the noxious fumes. With the Saiyans choking on the foul air, help must come from an unexpected source.

During Goku and Pan's continuing quest for the dragon balls, they stumble upon an abandoned city. They are warned away by a couple that blames the mass exodus on a slime that absorbs electricity. Afterward resolving to stay and complete their task, they find Rage Shenron, the v-star dragon! And they quickly realize that this electric slime has a bigger and much deadlier purpose!

What was once a peaceful seaside hamlet becomes a battleground as Goku and Pan foursquare off against Oceanus Shenron, the 6-star dragon. Goku is soon caught in the fury of the dragon's assail and unable to interruption through Oceanus Shenron's powerful defence force. The state of affairs becomes more dire with every passing moment until Pan is forced to take activity!

After stumbling upon Naturon Shenron as he burrowed through the ground, Goku and Pan take to relieve an entire metropolis from the earthquakes caused past this dragon's excavation. Just when the dragon takes a fall a picayune too before long, all may not be what it seems - and Pan may exist in for far more than she bargained for.

Naturon Shenron'southward secret has come out - The dragon can posses some other body and accept on the powers of whomever he possesses! Later the dragon takes control of Pan, Goku is forced to make the most heart wrenching determination of his life! The shot to possess the dragon ball lies straight through his granddaughter!

With iv dragon balls safely in their possession, Goku and Pan set off in search of the fifth. Merely continuing in their way is the incredible Nuova Shenron, the Dragon of Fire! With Pan succumbing to Nuova'due south sweltering power, the boxing for the 4-star ball is about to boil over!

Through the years Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans, was forced to bear the brunt of being 2nd best to his greatest adversary, Goku Battling both on the side of Earths greatest hero and confronting him, Vegeta comes to a shocking determination and makes an even more shocking access!

With Goku winning his battle against Nuova Shenron, he spares the dragons life in exchange for non killing Pan when he had the chance. But things become complicated when Eis Shenron shows upward to reveal a shocking hole-and-corner that no one saw coming. With the odds stacked against him, Goku fights for his life against the terrible twosome.

In the wake of intense fighting between Goku and Nuova Shenron, the devious Three Star Dragon, Eis, steps in and freezes Goku solid. Every bit the sibling rivalry boils over between Eis and Nuova, Goku fights back when Eis uses Pan as a human being shield! Merely there's another fighter resting in the shadows, waiting for the correct moment to enter the battleground.

After a panicked call for help from Pan, the Z Fighters descend on the battleground in a frenzy, saving Goku at the concluding minute! While the brutal Syn Shenron continues his assault, Goku works up a long shot of a plan. It's going to have everyone's cooperation to pull this one off, and --in the finish-- even that might non be plenty!

After ingesting the Dragon Assurance, the ultimate evil dragon, Omega Shenron was built-in. With Goku blind and boxing weary, is there any way he can stand confronting the might of all 7 dragons?! Merely Vegeta just might take a fob up his sleeve!

With Omega Shenron still also powerful even for two Super Saiyan iv's, Goku and Vegeta perform the Fusion Dance and become the incredible Super Saiyan four Gogeta. The tables turn every bit Omega Shenron suddenly can't seem to state a blow and Gogeta isn't even working upward a sweat. Gogeta might just salve the day...if he tin can stop joking around long enough.

Goku and Vegeta try to regain their winning form past doing Fusion again, and Omega Shenron tries to regain his by ingesting the Four Star Ball! Its a crazy defensive struggle every bit each side tries to forbid the other from gaining supremacy and sealing the victory in one case and for all!

Goku and Vegeta try to regain their winning form by doing Fusion once again, and Omega Shenron tries to regain his by ingesting the 4 Star Ball! It'southward a crazy defensive struggle equally each side tries to prevent the other from gaining supremacy and sealing the victory one time and for all!

It's the final battle for Goku, as he continues his struggle with Omega Shenron! This time though, Goku needs more help than his fellow Z-Fighters can offer. He enlists the help of King Kai, who helps coordinate the largest attack of all fourth dimension!

On the final episode of Dragon Ball GT, The Eternal Dragon appears in the sky without being summoned and explains why the dragon balls cracked under the pressure of the minus energy. The unfortunate truth nearly what he must do next is revealed, and a glimpse into the future shows the power behind Shenron's concluding words.




Source: https://trakt.tv/shows/dragon-ball-gt/seasons/all

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