Upload Cd Mix to Windows Media Player

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Using Windows Media Role player

Although Windows Media Thespian can play video, DVD movies, and photos, its most common employ is for music and sound file playback. The following sections prove you how to perform common tasks with music files. These methods can too exist used to work with other types of files.

To start Windows Media Thespian:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Hover the mouse over All Programs.
  3. Scroll down to Windows Media Thespian.
  4. Click Windows Media Histrion.
  5. The first time you start Windows Media Player, you are prompted to select Recommended or Custom Settings. If yous want to use recommended settings, click Finish. To employ custom settings, click Custom Settings, click Next, and provide the information requested.
  6. Windows Media Role player opens to the Album view of the Music library (see Figure 4.12).

Playing and Ripping an Audio CD

Windows Media Player tin can convert audio CDs into digital music files (a process called "ripping") or play the music on the CD. To play an audio CD:

  1. Insert the CD into the optical drive on the computer.
  2. Windows Media Actor reads the CD tracks.
  3. The CD starts playing automatically (see Effigy four.13).

CDs can exist ripped into your choice of several different digital formats. The most popular are Windows Media Audio (WMA) and MP3. To select a format and a flake charge per unit:

  1. Click Tools.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click the Rip Music tab (see Figure 4.14).

    Figure 4.14

    Figure iv.14 Windows Media Player's Rip Music tab configured for automatic ripping and ejection of CDs and the highest flake rate for creating MP3 audio files.

  4. Open the Format carte du jour and select the format desired.
  5. Adjust the Sound Quality slider to select the bit charge per unit desired.
  6. To rip CDs automatically, click the Rip CD Automatically check box. This setting takes effect subsequently you lot insert a new CD.
  7. To automatically squirt the CD afterward ripping, click the Eject CD After Ripping check box.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click OK.

To rip the CD manually:

  1. Right-click the CD icon in the left pane.
  2. Select Rip CD to Library.
  3. A progress bar appears next to each rails in the center pane.
  4. At the end of the process, the CD is listed in the Anthology/Music library.
  5. Yous tin can eject the CD manually if you did non select the option to automatically squirt the CD.

Creating a Playlist

A playlist is a list of songs you can play, burn to CD, or sync to a portable media device. To create and save a playlist, do the following:

  1. Select a song, video, or photo.
  2. Drag it to the Playlist pane on the right side of the Windows Media Histrion interface.
  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until your playlist is complete.
  4. Click Save List.
  5. Enter a name for the listing in the Proper noun field in a higher place the listing of songs (see Effigy 4.15).

Syncing Files to a Portable Media Device

When y'all sync files to a portable media device, yous can sync a saved playlist or create a new listing. To sync files from a playlist, practise the post-obit:

  1. Connect the portable media device to your calculator.
  2. Windows Media Player switches to the Sync tab.
  3. Click Playlists in the right pane.
  4. Drag a playlist to the Sync pane.
  5. Repeat Step 4 until you have added all the playlists you want to the sync list.
  6. Click Outset Sync (come across Effigy 4.16).

    Figure 4.16

    Figure 4.16 Synchronizing a playlist to a portable media player.

  7. Disconnect the device when yous come across the Sync Completed message.
  8. Click the Click Hither link to brandish the results of the file synchronization.

Burning an Audio CD

Windows Media Player makes it easy to create an audio mix CD of your musical favorites. Hither's how to create an sound CD:

  1. Click the Burn down tab.
  2. Insert a blank CD.
  3. Drag playlists or individual songs to the burn down list.
  4. To change the social club of a music rail, drag it to the preferred location.
  5. Click Showtime Burn down (come across Figure 4.17).
  6. At the cease of the burn down process, the CD is ejected.

To create a playlist from the burn listing:

  1. Click the first file in the burn list.
  2. Press and hold either Shift fundamental.
  3. Click the concluding file in the burn list. All files should now be highlighted.
  4. Right-click the highlighted fire listing.
  5. Select Add To then Additional Playlists.
  6. Click Create Playlist.
  7. Enter a name in place of New Playlist (run into Figure four.18).
  8. Click OK.


Source: https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1629004&seqNum=5

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